The Invasion of the TOADs

TOADs are an increasingly common threat to businesses worldwide, and it’s not the kind that hop.   Are you aware that there is an average of 10 million TOAD messages sent every month?  As a matter of fact, there have been as many as 13 million TOAD messaging in one month!

What is a TOAD phishing attack?  TOAD stands for a “telephone-oriented attack delivery.”  A malicious message appears to be completely benign, from a trusted source, containing nothing more than a phone number and some erroneous information.  When the victim calls the phone number, the attack chain is activated.  Here’s an example:

  1. Initial contact: The victim receives an email from what appears to be a reputable company, like Amazon or PayPal.
  2. Fake invoice: The email contains a fake invoice for a large purchase, prompting the recipient to call a customer service number.
  3. Deception: A scammer, posing as a customer service agent, convinces the victim to download malware disguised as a support tool, granting the scammer access to the victim’s computer and personal information.

67% of businesses globally were affected by a TOAD attack in 2023. In the United States the reported monetary loss averaged $43,000 per incident, with some losses exceeding $1 million.  These attacks can come from any digital communications vector, including email, social media, browsers and search applications, messaging applications and document sharing applications.  

Legacy strategies – like training, simulations, SEG’s and reporting solutions – without tools that help employees spot and avoid phishing attacks, is playing Russian Roulette with your company’s data and finances.  It’s time for change!  It’s time for PhishCloud!

PhishCloud is a cutting-edge, real-time defense solution designed to protect your business from these sophisticated threats. PhishCloud delivers acomprehensive, real-time phishing defense solution designed to protect the modern workplace.

PhishCloud gives your security team instant visibility into, and control of, every phishing attempts your employees encounter—across all platforms – social media, browsers and search engines, and messaging applications – not just email. With real-time metrics and alerts, your team gains the ability to see and stop phishing attacks as they happen, minimizing the window for threats to infiltrate your systems.

PhishCloud arms your employees with the knowledge and tools to confidently spot and avoid phishing attacks wherever they occur—whether that’s in their inbox, on social media, through instant messaging, or browsers and search engines. Our solution lets your team Click with Confidence, knowing that they are equipped to identify even the most sophisticated phishing attempts.

Traditional phishing awareness programs focus on simulations that employees may or may not encounter in real life. PhishCloud takes a different approach with reality-based training that imparts real-world knowledge and actionable skills, not just awareness. Our training programs are based on actual phishing scenarios, helping employees build practical, hands-on experience in recognizing phishing tactics and staying one step ahead of attackers.

Protect your business, secure your workforce, and stop phishing attacks before they start.

Sound too good to be true?  Give us 15 minutes to show you the power of PhishCloud and Malicious Link Management.  Click to Book Here.